Garden Roses, Savoy Cabbage & Black Bush Ivy Berries
Purchased: Whole Foods
Click Basic Purchasing & Condition
2 Bunches: 12 Garden Roses
1 Head Savoy Cabbage
Garden: 2 Branches Bush Ivy Black Berries
DIY Step-by-Step Instructions & Set-Up
Basic Repurposed Containers: House Plant Container with a 5” round opening
Basic Tools & Supplies: ARS floral chipper, floral blade, ½ floral tape,
Taping Repurposed House Plant Container
Four strips of ½” tape each way to form an 8-strip box grid: as marked with black line for reference
Fill with cool water
inserting savoy cabbage
Creating Shape & Form
Fill taped container with cool water
Trim savoy cabbage by making a slit with sharp knife on both sides of center stem then trim gently at top of slits to outer edged of leaf on both sides making a stem to insert into container
First insertion of one stem of savoy cabbage directly in the center square of grid
Second and Third insertion of one savoy cabbage stem in the open square on grid to right & left side of center
Fourth & Fifth insertion of one savoy cabbage stem in the open square of grid directly in front & back of first center insertion
Continue to fill in with savoy cabbage stems creating outline of a round shape
Inserting Garden Roses
Tips and Tricks
Garden roses need to drink water at least for 24 hours for them to fully bloom out. The garden roses I used were in water, in a warm location for 48 hours for when purchased they were fresh and tight.
First insertion place one stem garden rose in center square of grid
Second and Third insertion place a stem of garden rose right and left of center cabbage rose
Fourth & Fifth insertion place one stem of cabbage rose on either side of center rose
Adjust in any area that will complement the shape
Inserting Garden Roses
Sixth insertion place one garden rose stem directly under center garden rose resting on the bottom rim of container
Seventh & Eight insertion place one garden rose at rear right and left of center garden rose
Ninth & Tenth insertion place one garden rose at bottom of container right and left of bottom center rose
Eleventh insertion place one garden rose bottom far left
Twelfth insertion of last garden rose designer’s choice
Adjust in any area that will complement the shape & line
Inserting Bush Ivy Black Berries
First insertion three stems of extra-long bush ivy stripped of all leaves leaving only the berries place top left of cabbage rose
Second and Third insertion place one long bush Ivy stripped of all leaves directly under cabbage rose and savoy cabbage sweeping to the bottom right and left
Designers choice of placement of all remaining bush ivy black berries
Readjust roses and savoy cabbage to create depth and reestablish soft dome shape if necessary
Fill container with cool water
~ Congrats! You have created flower magic –Delight in the beauty ~
Savoy Cabbage, Garden Roses & Bush Ivy Black Berries in Glass Rectangle
Insertion of Savoy Cabbage
7” tall x 2” deep x 7” wide glass rectangle container
Fill rectangle container with 5” inches of cool water
Wipe dry inside (above the water line) and outside of container
Choose savoy leaf that will fill the bottom of container
First insertion fold one leaf of savoy cabbage ¼ at bottom then slip gently into vase
Second insertion fold one smaller leaf of savoy cabbage ¼ at bottom and slip gently into the center of first savoy cabbage leaf…lifting it up gently above the first savoy cabbage leaf
Wipe dry inside of container above the savoy cabbage
Insertion of Garden Roses
Tips & Tricks
Note to refill container use a small watering can with long curved spout and pour cool water gently down the back of garden roses and savoy cabbage 5” from the bottom
First insert five garden roses, three front and two rear
Second insertion of bush ivy black berries designer’s choice
~ Congrats! You have created flower magic –Delight in the beauty ~